Scout was saved from a Southern death row shelter, where he just would not have made it. Safe in foster now, this handsome puppy is one of those unusual little ones that is calm, well-behaved, gentle, but so fun to be around. He has a mini-lab appearance, and we expect him to peak at only 40-50 lbs (but you never know....!) <p>
Scout seems to like everyone - LOVED his day at the beach with foster's 3 yo nephew, likes sniffing foster's cat (and cat swats him, of course;), likes all other dogs, and loves pets from anyone who's look for a fuzzy belly to rub! He doesn't bark or go nuts, and has a terrific, calm demeanor. HE does have energy though, and foster takes him, kayaking, hiking in the forest, etc. which uses up some of that puppy energy. He loves to chew, and loves his chew toys - as long as he has them, he chews nothing else. IF not, watch your Converse's! Maybe that's why he has the whitest teeth ever! He like to sit on the couch next to foster dad when it's time to relax. He likes to walk around, but doesn't race around too much.. His favorite thing is to lay in the grass and roll around, and sniff and chew. He walks beautifully together with fosters' other dogs, and copies their good behaviors. Foster says if he dropped the leash, he thinks Scout would just stand there - his focus is more on people, and by you is where he wants to be. <p>
Scout is crate-trained as is fine in his crate at night or for a few hours in the day. He will whine if he needs to go outside to do his biz. He jumps just a little when he meets new people, but not ON them. Foster is working on eliminating that. He does beautifully in the car, and foster has taken him on 2+ hour rides with no issue - he falls asleep on the floor. <p>
Again, he is a very versatile dog and can fit in just about any home that has time and attention for him. He really doesn't need a fenced in yard, and is content going for walks and living the condo life. An active family or single person would be great - as long as they have time. Scout would probably could be a wonderful service dog if someone was inclined to train him. <p>
In the Consideration section, under 'Application Notes', please tell us about yourself to help us get a feel for you and your family, and as a fit for the pet you are interested in. Please do not email us - is an unmonitored account. You will be contacted directly should your application be an approved match.
A compassionate all-foster, all volunteer 501c3 rescue.